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Capturing Social Embeddedness: a constructivist approach - Bruce Edmonds


1 - Introduction
2 - Constructivism and AI
3 - Characterising Social Embeddedness
3.1 - Being Situated
3.2 - Being Socially Situated
3.3 - Being Socially Embedded
3.4 - Possible Effects of Social Embeddedness on Behaviour
3.5 - Checking for Social Embeddedness
4 - A Model of Co-evolving Social Agents
4.1 - The Set-up
4.1.1 - The environment
4.1.2 - The agents
4.1.3 - Communication and Imitation
4.1.4 - Runs of the model
4.1.5 - Implementation
4.2 - The Results
4.3 - More Detailed Case Studies
4.3.1 - BarGoer-6 at week 100 of the run with the crowd-avoiding scheme and listening only (ca+l)
4.3.2 - BarGoer-9 at the end of the run with the friendly scheme and listening only (fr+l)
4.4 - Comments
5 - Conditions for the Occurrence of Social Embedding
6 - Conclusion

Capturing Social Embeddedness: a constructivist approach - Bruce Edmonds - 30 OCT 98
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