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Capturing Social Embeddedness: a constructivist approach - Bruce Edmonds

5 Conditions for the Occurrence of Social Embedding

What might enable the emergence of social embeddedness? At this point one can only speculate, but some factors are suggested by the above model. They might be:

  • the ability to frequently sample and probe social information (i.e. gossip), so that individual intelligence might both have enabled the development of social embedding as well as being selected for it (as in the `social intelligence hypothesis' discussed in [23]).

    What is unclear from the above model and analysis is the role that imitation plays in the development (or suppression) of social embeddedness, particularly where both imitation and conversational communication are present. In [9], Kerstin Dautenhahn suggests that imitation may have a role in the effectiveness of an agent to cope with a complex social situation (or rather not cope as a result of autism). The above model suggests that, at least sometimes, imitation may have a role in simplifying social situations so that such embedding does not occur.

    Capturing Social Embeddedness: a constructivist approach - Bruce Edmonds - 30 OCT 98
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