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Capturing Social Embeddedness: a constructivist approach - Bruce Edmonds


(All CPM Reports can be accessed from the CPM web site at: cfpm.org)

[1] Akiyama, E. and K. Kaneko, (1996). Evolution of Cooperation, Differentiation, Complexity, and Diversity in an Iterated Three-person Game, Artificial Life, 2:293-304.

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[11] Durkheim, E. (1895). The rules of sociological method. Readings from Durkheim. chichester: Ellis Horwood.

[12] Edmonds, B. (1996). Pragmatic Holism. CPM Report 96-08, MMU, 1996.

[13] Edmonds, B. (1997). Complexity and Scientific Modelling. 20th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, August 1997. Also available as CPM Report 97-23, MMU, Manchester, UK.

[14] Edmonds, B. (1998). Gossip, Sexual Recombination and the El Farol Bar: modelling the emergence of heterogeneity. Computation in Economics, Finance and Engineering: Economic Systems conference (CEFES'98), June/July 1998, Cambridge, UK. Also available as CPM Report 97-31, MMU, Manchester, UK.

[15] Edmonds, B. (forthcoming). Modelling Socially Intelligent Agents. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 12(6).

[16] Edmonds, B. and S. J. Moss, (1997). Modelling Bounded Rationality using Evolutionary Techniques. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1305:31-42.

[17] Foerster, E. von (1973). On Constructing a Reality. In Preiser (ed.), Environmental Research Design, Vol 2. Stroudsburg: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, 35-46.

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[20] Harnad, S. (1990). The Symbol Grounding Problem. Physica D, 42: 335-346.

[21] Kaneko, K. (1990). Globally Coupled Chaos Violates the Law of Large Numbers but not the Central Limit Theorem. Physics Review Letters, 65:1391-1394

[22] Koza, J.R. (1992). Genetic Programming: On the programming of computers by means of natural selection. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

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[24] Montana, D. J. (1995). Strongly Typed Genetic Programming. Evolutionary Computation, 3:199-230.

[25] Moss, S.J. and Edmonds, B. (1998). Modelling Economic Learning as Modelling. Cybernetics and Systems, 29:5-37.

[26] Moss, S. J., Edmonds, B. and Wallis, S. (1997). Validation and Verification of Computational Models with Multiple Cognitive Agents. CPM Report 97-25, MMU, 1997.

[27] Moss, S. J., H. Gaylard, S. Wallis, and B. Edmonds, (1998). SDML: A Multi-Agent Language for Organizational Modelling. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 4:43-69

[28] Piaget, J. (1954). The Construction of Reality in the Child. New York: Ballentine.

[29] Riegler, A. (1992). Constructivist Artificial Life and Beyond. Workshop on Autopoiesis and Perception, Dublin City University, Aug. 1992.

[30] Suchman, L.A. (1987). Plans and Situated Actions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[31] Vaario, J. (1994). Artificial Life as Constructivist AI. Journal of SICE.

[32] Vera, A. H. and Simon, H.A. (1993). Situated Action: A Symbolic Interpretation. Cognitive Science, 17:7-48.

[33] Wimsatt, W. (1972). Complexity and Organisation. In Scavenger and Cohen (eds.), Studies in the Philosophy of Sciences. Dordrecht: Riddle, 67-86.

[34] Wittgenstein, L. (1953). Philosophical Investigations. Oxford: Blackwell.

Capturing Social Embeddedness: a constructivist approach - Bruce Edmonds - 30 OCT 98
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