
Don Mikulecky (mikuleck@HSC.VCU.EDU)
Fri, 25 Jun 1999 13:57:28 -0400

I just wanted to thank everyone on these lists for the tremendous
amount of feedback you gave me on the Rosen review and related
stuff. This is as much to the critics as to the supporters. I
gathered from most, but not all, of the Rosen scholars that I did a
fair job of representing his work. I gathered from some who had
either struggled with Rosen or needed a refresher that I did some
helpful things. In the case of those who were new to Rosen, I sense
that so short an exposure is not nearly enough. I hope to correct
this as I flesh out my home page with more "translation". I can
only say that this is no surprise to those who went down this path
before. I have now reread "Life Itself" over a dozen times along
with most of the background references in the bibliography
(many of these are available in the new book "Essays on life itself" )
and STILL find more to learn about each time.

For those who want to sample, a lot is available from our pages:`mikuleck/ and

I will be off shortly to the ISSS meeting and then on vacation to
mid July when I begin teaching an intense summer course which crams
a full semester into one month. So I guess some will be relieved to
not have my misspelled and otherwise poorly composed postings
filling up their e-mail.

Once again, thanks for your help. I will do my bit at the ISSS
meeting of trying to represent Bob Rosen with more confidence than
ever before thanks to all of your contributions. We live in a
fantastic age! These boards make science something really alive and
dynamic for me.
Best Regards,
Don Mikulecky