---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 09:04:55 +0000
From: Pete McCready <p.mccready@qub.ac.uk>
To: DN014@lampeter.ac.uk
Cc: PM023@lampeter.ac.uk, egarcia@stern.nyu.edu,
P.Bowler@Queens-Belfast.AC.UK, LSmith@CSU.edu.au
Subject: Dr. Ben Cullen
It is with regret that I have to inform you all that Dr. Ben Cullen,
Visiting Fellow in Archaeology, died suddenly on 29th December, 1995.
Pete McCready
LAN Administrator/Webmaster
-- Pete McCready, School of Geosciences, The Queen's University of Belfast Vodaphone: (0374) 839521 Tel: (01232) 245133 x3562 Fax: (01232) 321280 eMail: p.mccready@qub.ac.uk URL: http://wwwlan.gg.qub.ac.uk/wmaster.htm CU-SeeMe: PGP public key available