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Social Embeddedness and Agent Development - Bruce Edmonds


1 - Introduction - Engineering and Social Simulation Goals
2 - Social Embeddedness
2.1 - Characterising Social Embeddedness
2.2 - Possible Effects of Social Embeddedness on Behaviour
2.3 - Checking for Social Embeddedness
3 - A Example: a Model of Co-evolving Social Agents
3.1 - The Set-up
3.1.1 - The environment
3.1.2 - The agents
3.1.3 - Communication
3.1.4 - Implementation
3.2 - Case Studies from the Results
3.3 - Comments
4 - Possible Conditions for the Emergence of Social Embedding
5 - Consequences for the Development of Social Agents

Social Embeddedness and Agent Development - Bruce Edmonds - 30 OCT 98
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