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3 A Example: a Model of Co-evolving Social Agents
The simulation exhibits most of the effects listed previously. This is, of course, unsurprising since I have been using the model to hone my intuitions on the topic. In particular:
- the expressions that the agents develop resemble constructs rather than models, in that they are opportunistic, they do not reflect their social reality but rather constitute it;
- the constructs can appear highly arbitrary - it can take a great deal of work to unravel them if one attempts to explicitly trace the complex networks of causation;
- the agents do frequently use information about the communication and actions of others in stead of attempting to explicitly predict their environment - this is partly confirmed by a general analysis of the general distribution of primitive types in the expressions chosen and developed by agents in figure 6;
- the agents do specialise as they co-develop their strategies - this is examined in greater depth elsewhere [6];

Figure 6. Distribution of the relative proportions of some primitive types
Social Embeddedness and Agent Development - Bruce Edmonds - 30 OCT 98
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