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Pragmatic Holism - Bruce Edmonds


1 - Introduction
2 - The reductionist/holist debate
2.1 - Versions of reductionism
2.2 - Weaknesses in the reductionist position
2.3 - Weaknesses in the holist position
2.4 - Irrelevances to the debate
2.4.1 - Determinism
2.4.2 - Analogue vs. digital
2.4.3 - Ability to modify hardware
2.4.4 - Noise and randomness
2.4.5 - Particular formal languages (2-valued logic)
2.4.6 - Self-reference
2.4.7 - Simultaneity
3 - Practical limits to modelling
3.1 - Finiteness
3.2 - Limited computational resources
3.3 - Complexity
3.4 - Context
4 - The number - complexity analogy
5 - Formal modelling and reductionism
6 - Heuristics in the search for truth
7 - Conclusion - combining a plurality of techniques

Pragmatic Holism - Bruce Edmonds - 22 FEB 96
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