>From: "Bennett, Rex M (MED)" <Rex.Bennett@med.ge.com>
>To: "'owner-pcp-discuss@listman.lanl.gov'"
> <owner-pcp-discuss@listman.lanl.gov>
>Subject: Subscription To Discussion List
>Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 20:53:36 -0600
>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
>Email address: rbennet9@tampabay.rr.com
>Name: Rex Bennett
>URL of home page (if any): none
>Postal address: 7816 N. Church Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614
>Phone: 813-884-6384
>Affiliations: none
>How did you hear about PCP? By searching web for support for
>philosophical arguments.
>Please take at least one page to describe your work and how it might
>relate to PCP:
>I have read the works of Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead for
>many years. I have been
>interested in both Russell's keen philosophical concepts and also
>interested in process philosophy
>but could find no way to combine it. I am also an avid follower of the
>sciences and have been
>applying new developments in scientific knowledge to my understanding of
>philosophy. I have been
>trying to build my own system of philosophy. What I find posted on your
>web page is almost a
>complete image of my own development. I was stunned when I came across
>your material. I could
>not find anything there to disagree with. That is a complete exception
>to the normal rule. It is as
>though I had written the material myself. This is a truly unique
>I have been interested in computers and computer science for sometime
>but have been studying on
>my own. I am interested in cybernetics although I do not have the
>background. I have read some
>in the field of cybernetics and have been interested in developments in
>"intelligence" and also the
>implications regarding our understanding of "knowledge." Epistemology
>is an area of important
>concern to me.
>Self-Organizing systems is a most important area of interest. I have
>been studying chaos
>theory and complexity theory. The evolution of the Universe, and
>everything that makes it up,
>is a fascinating subject that crosses from quantum physics to biology to
>cybernetic systems. The
>study of the human brain and consciousness falls into this area also.
>It seems that the very large
>and the very small have much in common.
>What impresses me the most is the cohesiveness of the philosophical
>framework that your organization
>has laid out. I had not believed that people from such diverse
>backgrounds could produce an organized
>system of knowledge as this, but seeing is believing, I suppose. The
>use of the Internet as the medium
>for this development is timely and makes possible a process that could
>hardly be done without it since
>it functions on an immediate time scale. It also opens up the
>opportunity to reach many people that could
>not be reached any other way, especially in that they are not just
>passive readers, but can be contributors
>as well. This makes your process dynamic, which is, is suppose, just
>what you intended it to be.
>I truly look forward to participation in your process and look forward
>to communications from those
>associated with this process. Thanks for making this available to
>Rex Bennett
---- O------------------------------------------------------------------------> | Cliff Joslyn, Member of the Technical Staff (Cybernetician at Large) | Distributed Knowledge Systems and Modeling Team | Modeling, Algorithms, and Informatics Group (CCS-3) | Los Alamos National Laboratory, Mail Stop B265, Los Alamos NM 87545 USA | joslyn@lanl.gov http://www.c3.lanl.gov/~joslyn (505) 667-9096 V All the world is biscuit-shaped. . .======================================== Posting to pcp-discuss@lanl.gov from Cliff Joslyn <joslyn@lanl.gov>
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