Re: "The Nature of Order" by Christopher Alexander

Cliff Joslyn (joslyn@C3SERVE.C3.LANL.GOV)
Mon, 2 Nov 1998 15:55:16 -0700

> I would suggest that Christopher Alexander is a true cybernetician.

I agree. I cite both of these:

Alexander, Chris: (1964) /Notes on the Synthesis of Form/, Harvard U,

(1966) "City is Not a Tree", /Design/, v. 206, pp. 46-55

And his new book also looks very interesting.

| Cliff Joslyn, Member of the Technical Staff (Cybernetician at Large)
| Computer Research Group (CIC-3), Los Alamos National Laboratory
| Mail Stop B265, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA
| (505) 667-9096
V All the world is biscuit-shaped. . .