"The Nature of Order" by Christopher Alexander

Bruce Edmonds (b.edmonds@MMU.AC.UK)
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 15:23:46 +0000

What can anyone tell me about this man's thought?

He is an architect. I came upon references to him in pages about
"Patterns" in software engineering (See
http://c2.org/cgi/wiki?WelcomeVisitors - which is itself an interesting,
self-organising web-site).

See the web page about him at:

He is about to publish a 4 volume book with the OUP, "The nature of

Bruce Edmonds,
Centre for Policy Modelling,
Manchester Metropolitan University, Aytoun Bldg.,
Aytoun St., Manchester, M1 3GH. UK.
Tel: +44 161 247 6479 Fax: +44 161 247 6802