computer models are not closed

Onar Aam (onar@HSR.NO)
Sun, 17 Sep 1995 01:48:00 +0100

Computer models tend to hide the energetic status of the system.
This is reflected in the laws of Complexity. (naturally because
complex systems science heavily relies on computer models)
Complexity focuses on RULES OF INTERACTION, e.g. cellular
automata, boolean networks, Tierra. What is hidden but implicit
in the rules of interaction is the expense of energy. If we
think of a computer model as a model of a real system the
connection becomes explicit. The execution of a rule in the
system could not have taken place without a corresponding energy
consumption in the real system. Therefore Kauffman's agenda
"order for free" is slightly misleading because it assumes
that the components always are able to follow the rules. But
they can't do this without the continuous flow of energy
through the system. Therefore all complex systems must be
regarded as non-equilibrium, open systems. Hence, computer
models are not thermodynamically closed.
