Re: feedback wanted

(no name) ((no email))
Sun, 18 Jun 1995 08:41:55 -0400

In connexion with these paradoxical troubling thoughts about sets of sets
which can/cant include themselves, one might have a look at Lou Kaufman's
Knot theory work. He derived a theorem which provides an alternative to
the Principia approach of insisting on a mmeta-lamnguage language distinction,
as a way to reseolve self-referential paradox. Kaufman's theorem does not
resort to that distinction, yet it avoids the acceptance odf a contradiction.
It is contained in a paper he made available at the Philadelphia ASC
conference. Unfortunatel I missed the Chicago Von Foerster Conference
last month so I don't know if he has developed it further. His e-mail
address was given as part of the conference publicity).
I don't have it with me today.
Gary Boyd.