SubIndex on ECONOMIC (BibTex)
Click on the desired item or article for more information.- Warfield,JN; 1996, Laws of Complexity, Center for Advanced Study in the Integrative Sciences Report, Institute of Public Policy, George Mason University, Virginia, US
- Clarke,S; Tobias,AM; 1995, Complexity in Corporate Modelling: A REview, Business History, 37, 17-44
- Warfield,JN; 1995, An Essay On Complexity, Center for Advanced Study in the Integrative Sciences Report, Institute of Public Policy, George Mason University, Virginia, US
- Arthur,WB; 1994, Inductive Reasoning and Bounded Rationality, American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 84, 406-411
- Holm,HJ; 1993, Complexity in Economic Theory, University of Lund: Lund Economic Studies, Lund, Sweden
- De Vany,A; 1993, Information, Bounded Rationality, and The Complexity of Economic Organisation, Discussion paper, Dept of mathematics, Univ. of California. Also available electronically
- Arthur,WB; 1993, Why do things become more complex?, Scientific American, 268, 92
- Woodward,D; 1992, Understanding Complexity: A Critique and Synthesis, Henley Management College, Henley-on-thames
- Langlois,RN; Everett,MJ; 1992, Complexity, Genuine Uncertainty, and the Economics of Organisation, Human Systems Management, 11, 67-75
- Simon,HA; 1992, Economics, Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution, Edward Elgar, Brookfield, Vermont
- Kaplow,L; 1992, A Model of the Optimal Complexity of Rules, National Bureau of Economic Research Working paper No. 3958
- Rustem,B; Velupillai,K; 1990, Rationality, Computability and Complexity, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 14, 419-432
- Banks,JF; Sundaram,RK; 1990, Repeated Games, Finite Automata and Complexity, Games and Economic Behaviour, 2, 97-117
- Lipman,BL; Srivastava,S; 1990, Informational Requirments and Strategic Complexity in Repeated Games, Games and Economic Behaviour, 2, 273-290
- George,DAR; 1990, Chaos and Complexity in Economics: Review Article, Journal of Economic Surveys, 4, 397-404
- Beja,A; 1989, Finite and Infinite Complexity in Axioms of Rational Choice or Sen's Characterization of Preference-Compatibility Cannot Be Improved, Journal of Economic Theory, 49, 339-346
- Kelly,JS; 1988, Social Choice and Computatational Complexity, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 17, 1-8
- Anderson,PW; Arrow,KJ; Pines,D (Eds.); 1988, The Economy as an Evolving Complex System, Santa Fe Institute, Sante Fe, New Mexico
- Rissanen,J; 1987, Stochastic Complexity and the MDL Principle, Econometric Reviews, 6, 85-102
- Gottinger,HW; 1987, Choice and Complexity, Mathematical Social Sciences, 14, 1-17
- Lov sz,L; 1985, The Mathematical Notion of Complexity, Inst.fur Okonometrie u. Operations Research preprint, Univerity of Bonn
- Giarini,O; 1984, The Consequences of Complexity in Economics: Vulnerability, Risk, and Rigidity Factors in Supply, in The Science and Praxis of Complexity, Eds.Aida,et al; , United Nations University, Tokyo, pages 133-145
- Boulding,EB; 1984, Learning by Simplifying Complexity: How to Turn Data into Knowledge, in The Science and Praxis of Complexity, Eds.Aida,et al; , United Nations University, Tokyo, pages 25-34
- Albin,PS; Gottinger,HW; 1983, Structure and Complexity in Economic and Social Systems, Mathematical Social Sciences, 5, 253-268
- Grunberg,E; 1978, "Complexity" and "Open Systems" in Economic Discourse, Journal of Economic Issues, 12, 541-560
- Chadwick,GF; 1977, The limits of the plannable: stability and complexity in planning and planned systems, Environment and Planning A, 9, 1189-1192
- Yokoyama,T; 1976, Complexity and Hierarchy Theory, Osaka Economic Papers, 26, 26-34
- Futia,C; 1975, The Complexity of Economic Decision Rules, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 4, 289-299
- Galbraith,J; 1973, Designing Complex Organisations, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA
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Bruce Edmonds, Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester Metropolitan University