Re: Can we agree on what a machine is?

Ricardo Ribeiro Gudwin (gudwin@DCA.FEE.UNICAMP.BR)
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 12:35:55 -0200

Don Mikulecky wrote:

> > So whether our machine is using analog or
> > digital, sequential or parallels processing makes no difference. It may
> > be a spectacular super computer, but it can never duplicate a thing like
> > life.
> Not even a complex system, let alone life!

And what about all this research on Artificial Life ? Maybe we are not able to
duplicate life in our real world, but what if we consider not our real world,
but a
virtual world, instead, that can be simplified in many aspects ? Didn't it
the essence of life ?

> Even von Neuman went off the deep end here with his universal
> constructor. He confused material cause with effective cause and extrapolated
> from
> Turings unrealizable machine to a hypothetical constructor which would
> itself. Rosen has shown that the kind of replication we see in organisms
> about in a very non-machine like manner and that it is impossible in a

Are you including here the type of replication that happens e.g. within cellular
automata ? In which sense are they different ?

Best regards,

                                                   (o o)
 \                   Prof. Ricardo Ribeiro Gudwin                /
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