Re: A question for all! (a quick aside)

Francis Heylighen (fheyligh@VUB.AC.BE)
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 17:02:45 +0100

Chris Miles:
> of my big problems, as you can see, is getting text...does anyone
>know of a WWW site that would enable me to order through credit card
>photocopies of articles in various Systems and Cybernetics reviews that
>could then be faxed to me-- this would be one hell of a help both in
>research and teaching.

CARL UnCover ( is a service where you can search a
database of journal papers and have the ones you select faxed to you for a
fee. They don't have all journals but there at least some of the main
cybernetic journals (Cybernetics and Systems, IJGS, Behavioral Science,
....) in their collection.

Francis Heylighen <> -- Center "Leo Apostel"
Free University of Brussels, Krijgskundestr. 33, 1160 Brussels, Belgium
tel +32-2-6442677; fax +32-2-6440744;