>Dear Gary,
>As I was personally cited here, I believe that I have to answer.
>The question here is not of a "rosenolatry". I myself know very little about
>the work of Rosen. Some participants on the list stressed the opinion that
>his work MAY be important to the development of complex systems, which
>may have a profound impact in the development of cybernetic (intelligent)
>systems. So, if is there this possibility, it is our duty to understand the
> claims
>that appeared insofar, and put the matter into discussion in order to
>HOW MUCH this work can cause an impact in the construction of cybernetic
>systems. To make this evaluation, we have first to UNDERSTAND what
>exactly is this theory, derive the implications of accepting it and
further try
>to incorporate or refutate it in our work. I believe this is what we are
>right now with this discussion about the work of Rosen.
Carry on!
Professor Gary Boyd, Education (Educational Technology Graduate
Programme)Concordia University,
1455 DeMaisonneuve West, Montreal, Quebec Canada H3G 1M8.
<boydg@vax2.concordia.ca> tel.(514)848-3459, fax(514)848-4520.
homepage <http://alcor.concordia.ca/~boydg/drboyd.html >
Toward Eco-CO-cultural conviviality, through participative cybersystemic
modelling, and Grace & grudge networking.