Re: Non Physical Experience

Alexei Sharov (sharov@VT.EDU)
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 08:33:21 -0400

Reply to Mario Vaneechoutte:

Your cake example is very nice! I agree with your definition of
emergence. However, there is (at least) one difficult part in it:
you need a definition of qualities. Who is determining qualities?
If only humans determine qualities, then your emergence would be
an anthropocentric notion. But if you consider qualities broader,
then you have to define a non-human observer who determines
qualities. So we are back to biosemiotics (see my web pages at

I did not understand your transition from qualities and
emergence to experience and awareness. Can you explain?
Personally, I view experience as Umwelt (after Uexkull), and
awareness as a special kind of Umwelt that includes time,
and hence, prediction or anticipation.

Alexei Sharov Research Scientist
Dept. of Entomology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Tel. (540) 231-7316; FAX (540) 231-9131; e-mail
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