Re: Non Physical Experience

Paulo Garrido (Paulo.Garrido@DEI.UMINHO.PT)
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 19:40:06 +0100

Norman K. McPhail wrote:

> Now we have eight Wild [Ass] Guesses or "WAGs"

> ....
> Does anyone else want to add a WAG or edit their WAG summary?

Given the excellent role of dialogue facilitator, Norman is
playing, I cant resist to express my guess which is my personal
construction based on a lot of readings I did from Borges to

i) I depart from the notion of 'potentially existing', which is a
sort of notional device to encompass all that can be or exist,
conceivable or even unconceivable.
ii) Inside the 'potentially existing', do actually exist 'loci of
perception' each locus identifying with an observer. Im using the
'word' perception in a much more wide sense than John Kineman did,
much alike his notion of 'experience'. The reason to use
'perception' rather than 'experience' is that it seems me that
perception has an in-built notion of interior and exterior which
coupled with the assumption of a closed frontier makes sensible
the notion of 'individual', or so it seems to me.
iii) Loci are free to select from the 'potentially existing' a
restricted domain which they perceive or experience as 'reality' -
although it may be the case that loci are not aware, ie, do not
perceive, that they are free to do so.
iv) Loci may even perceive themselves as perceiving organisms.
v) A common reality - including a physical world with its laws -
arises by the intersection of domains' selection operated by a
given number of loci. Which by that, find themselves inhabiting
the same world, with the possibility to communicate among, discuss
or dialogue about it and what can exist behind.

For the moment couldnt do it with less words. Hope it may be

Best wishes

Paulo Garrido