Robot vs. human slaves

Cliff Joslyn (joslyn@C3SERVE.C3.LANL.GOV)
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 15:15:00 -0600

> I wouldn't want to have about six human slaves at home to clean it, make
> meals, serve etc. I would feel bad about them being slaves, and also I
> might not be safe. On the other hand I would love to have about six
> robots at home to keep the house clean and orderly, make beds and to
> cook good meals and afterwards put away the dishes.

But if the robots were as semiotically enabled as real humans, they
would actually BE real (albeit artificial) humans. You actually DO
want a robot-slave which is substantially more impoverished than a
real human. . .

| Cliff Joslyn, Member of the Technical Staff (Cybernetician at Large)
| Computer Research Group (CIC-3), Los Alamos National Laboratory
| Mail Stop B265, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA
| (505) 667-9096
V All the world is biscuit-shaped. . .