Webmind project [fwd]

Francis Heylighen (fheyligh@VUB.AC.BE)
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 11:13:50 +0100

Another "global brain-like" project, this time started by Anton Kolonin
from Russia.


To create the working model of distributed
interactive knowledge base over internet
To allow connected users interactively maintain
their private subsets of knowledge within global
knowledge base
To force the generalization of private knowledge
subsets into global knowledge
To support the knowledge exchange feature by
knowledge subsets merging between private


Mind definition language, based on such a
languages features as Lisp, Prolog, Smalltalk, SQL
High-level knowledge exchange protocol to allow
knowledge exchange engines communicate one
with other
Real-time client-server knowledge exchange engine
running on any machine in the internet
2-D or 3-D interactive graphics tool to allow visual
maintaining of the distributed knowledge

>From: "Anton Kolonin" <Anton@propro.ru>
>To: <PCP@vub.ac.be>
>Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 13:07:05 +0600

>New project is started at last.
>Do not wave to take a look at this one:
>Indeed, any kind of sponsorship or direct participation
>is highly desireble and would be deeply appreciated.
>Feel free to e-mail me in case of any questions,
>comments or suggestions.
>Anton Kolonin

Dr. Francis Heylighen, Systems Researcher fheyligh@vub.ac.be
CLEA, Free University of Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel +32-2-6442677; Fax +32-2-6440744; http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/HEYL.html