Re: mind and body

Ricardo Ribeiro Gudwin (gudwin@DCA.FEE.UNICAMP.BR)
Wed, 3 Jun 1998 16:23:09 -0300

Boris Steipe wrote:

> John J. Kineman wrote:
> > "Umwelt" is fine - I don't know its precise meaning in German.
> Environment.

I don't know if "environment", simply, gives its exact meaning. I am not
a specialistin german, but I will prefer to translate it as "sensible
environment". The main idea
on Von Uexkull work, is that there is a kind of a "belt" filtering data
from real
environment, creating the illusion of a "sensible environment" that may
be a good
or poor description of real environment, depending on how good are our
and what parts of environment they are able to measure. Maybe if we are
purists, we may say that this is also a good definition for
"environment" itself. But
Von Uexkull used "Umwelt" to differentiate this "sensible environment"
from a
general "environment".


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