Reply to John Kineman on submitting PCP nodes

Francis Heylighen (fheyligh@VNET3.VUB.AC.BE)
Wed, 26 Mar 1997 19:18:14 +0100

John Kineman:
>Hi, I contributed three annotations to PCP (see user annotations) and
>also submitted a form for PCP-l. I have not heard back on the list
>server. Also, I notice that the annotations are not indexed along with
>"what's new" and they seem to be not really part of the node
>structure.Also, since I don't see the PCP-l, I'm wondering if they
>automatically go there.

I suppose you mean a subscription to PRNCYB-L? (see It takes quite a while for those to
come through (the list administrator, Cliff Joslyn, is very buse lately,
but I have anyway sent him a reminder of your request).

It is true that annotations do not have the same status as normal PCP
nodes: they are not included in the "Table of Contents" or "Recent
Changes", but can be found through the searchable index. They belong to the
category of "discussion nodes", rather than "consensus nodes" or
"individual contribution nodes" (see If you check the user annotations
( you will see that few annotations
are really detailed, well-formulated and well-thought out texts. They are
mostly one line comments, links, tests or questions, they are not reviewed
and are therefore not of the same level of quality as other nodes.

>I would like to contribute ideas, but feel that the annotations are not
>going to be taken seriously. Is there another channel for submitting
>more deeply thought out comments perhaps with some level of review, with
>the hopes that it will become part of the official nodes? Otherwise, it
>seems better to post ideas elsewhere and just send a few pointers into
>the PCP. How can I participate?

You can of course also contribute "individual contribution" nodes, but
these need to be reviewed by the editorial board in order to make sure that
they fulfill our standards of relevance and quality. See They should ideally also fit in the
PCP hierarchy (i.e. have a specific "Parent node" of which they are the
"Child"; if no appropriate parent exists, you can suggest one, under an
existing parent, etc.). They should also have the typical format of PCP
nodes: discuss a single idea in some detail but not too long, and provide
many cross-references to other concepts used in the discussion. PCP web is
not a medium for publishing journal-like articles, but more like a
continuously expanding and improving encyclopedia of fundamental ideas.

Dr. Francis Heylighen, Systems Researcher
PESP, Free University of Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel +32-2-6292525; Fax +32-2-6292489;