Re: A hint on discussion about "complexity"

Czeslaw Mesjasz (mesjaszc@AE.KRAKOW.PL)
Fri, 25 Oct 1996 15:53:51 +0100

Sorry for such a simplistic intervention but it seems necessary to appeal
for some order in our discussions.

1. I am doing research on the "interface" between natural sciences
and social sciences, namely the theory of social organization.
Later I will have something more to say on that topic. At present,
however,I only wanted to remind about the need for highest possible
precision (hard, if not impossible to achieve in spoken language) in
presenting views on systems, complexity, and all that staff.
Otherwise the discussion looks like mulitilingual, with a little chance
for understanding.

2. "Complexity" is likely one of most frequently used "buzzwords" among
the PCP fans. There is no need to call for another discussion on that
term. It would be extremely intricate and likely without much results. On
the other hand, however, we must be aware that there is nothing like a
universal "Theory of Complexity". The term complexity is used in different
meanings by different people for different purposes and sometimes public
relations purposes are not negligible.

Perhaps the enclosed interpretation could be worth rememeber before
engaging into any discussion about "complexity".

"We say "COMPLEXITY" when we know that we do not know something
but we do not know exactly what we do not know"

Dr Czeslaw Mesjasz
Academy of Economics
31-510 Krakow
ul. Rakowicka 27
Tel: +48-12-16-76-19; Fax: +48-12-12-54-38