Principia Cybernetica News - July/August 1996

Francis Heylighen (fheyligh@VNET3.VUB.AC.BE)
Mon, 9 Sep 1996 16:15:31 +0200

Last August, a new study group, associated with PCP, has been started, to
discuss the emergence of a "global brain" out of the computer network,
which would function as a nervous system for the human "superorganism".
Participation is limited to people who have been doing active research and
published books or papers on this subject. Present members are: Peter
Russell, Gottfried Mayer-Kress, Gregory Stock, Lee Chen, Johan Bollen, Ben
Goertzel, Joel de Rosnay, Valentin Turchin and Francis Heylighen. For more
info, see or contact Francis


The following nodes in Principia Cybernetica Web have undergone substantive
editing, or have been newly added during the months of July and August,
1996. (all documents are available via

* Aug 30, 1996: About Francis Heylighen (updated)
* Aug 27, 1996: The Adaptive Hypertext Experiment (further references added)
* Aug 16, 1996: From Society to Superorganism / Global Brain (references
and picture added)
* Aug 16, 1996: Cybernetics and Systems Journals (J. Social and
Evolutionary Systems added)
* Aug 13, 1996: From Society to Superorganism / Global Brain (expanded and
reference to Teilhard added)
* Aug 6, 1996: The trial-and-error method (new!)
* Aug 6, 1996: The Direction of Evolution (new!)
* Aug 5, 1996: Selection (expanded)
* Aug 5, 1996: Fitness (new!)
* Jul 25, 1996: The Adaptive Hypertext Experiment (new!)
* Jul 16, 1996: Changes-Additions 1994-95 (new!)
* Jul 10, 1996: Basic Books on Cybernetics and Systems Science (now links
to direct ordering of books)
* Jul 1, 1996: Searchable Index (added Altavista search of PCP Web)


The following topics were announced or discussed on the PRNCYB-L mailing
list (see during the months of July and
August. The full text of all original messages and replies is available via
the PRNCYB-L archive:

* New Journal: Evolution of Communication [fwd] - Francis Heylighen
* Interfacing - Dan Parker
* sceptics and superbrain - John Earls
* Wired parodies the evolution of the Super-Being ;-) - Francis Heylighen
* Umpleby on Systems Thinking [fwd] - Francis Heylighen
* Preparing a TV program on the "superhuman" transition - Francis Heylighen
* Ancient life on Mars? [fwd] - Francis Heylighen
* The 200 most frequent nouns and adjectives used on PRNCYB - Johan Bollen
* A "Thank You" Note for PCP [fwd] - Francis Heylighen
* Conference panel on "Disarmament of Informatics? - Peace Work - Cliff Joslyn
* CFP: Dynamics, Synergetics Autonomous Agents [fwd] - Francis Heylighen
* [Fwd: A Useful Conference] - Hans Speel
* Change og E-Mail address - Arik Ariely
* [Fwd: at home in the universe] - Hans Speel
* Development aid as "stimulated self-organization"? - Francis Heylighen
* New member: Czeslaw Mesjasz - Cliff Joslyn
* New member: Paulo Garrido - Cliff Joslyn
* new papers - Onar Aam
* CFP: conference and electronic conference - Cliff Joslyn

Dr. Francis Heylighen, Systems Researcher
PESP, Free University of Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel +32-2-6292525; Fax +32-2-6292489;