First of all, thanks for the answer, I have until yet never had a
seriouss one on these matters, exept maybe in the discussion about
the differences on replication, reproduction, self-reproduction,
etc., where we said it was important not to mix up questions of how
an organism might be described as autopoietic, and where the
autopoietic entity came from [questions about how it evolved].
> The distinction between hierachies of control or domination,
> and evoltionaruly (or otherwise) emergent levels has never been better
> handleedd, in my opinion, than by Mario Bungepp 25-26 esp. in Hierarchical
> structures , Whyte Wilson & wilson 9eds.) New York Elsevier(1969)
> "The key concept is that of emergence or appearance of qualitative
> novelty in a process. DEF'N L
Deos this mean definition of a level?
is a level structure iff it is an ordered
> pair L=<S,E> where S is a family of sets of individual systems, E is a binary
> relation
I know what binary is, but not what a binary relation is....;_(
in S, such that:
> L1 Every member of S is a set of systems that are equivalent in some respect.
> L2 E is a one-many, reflexive and transitive relation in S.
> L3 E represents[mirrors] emergence or coming into being of novelty of
> qualitatively new systems in a process.
> DEFINITION 5 A set of individual systems consyitutes a level iff it is a
> of the family S of a level structure L. [that is an homogeneous collection
> of things constitutes a level provided that neither E nor its converse,
> hold among the members of the collection.]"
> For more see the original chapter and or Bunge's subsequent work.
I would be happy to see his book, if I was convinced it could help me
[I will anyway].
But my lack of mathematical skill makes me wonder what the
expressions above mean. I would be very happy if these expressions
could be set in an example. I really tried to understand it, but you
really lost me.
If that would take to much afford [sice I am not paying you:-)],
never mind
> Gary Boyd, Concordia univ.
Theories come and go, the frog stays [F. Jacob]
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