Re: [Fwd: (Fwd) Re: [Fwd: teleonomic, teric, etc]]

Jerry_LR_Chandler (chandler@HELIX.NIH.GOV)
Thu, 8 Feb 1996 12:11:02 -0500

> > >Dear listmembers, a little system science question.
> > >In system science there is a distinction between teleologic,
> > >teleonomic and teleoretic. Can somebody give me a reference or strait
> > >explanation where it is clearly lined out what the difference is?
> >
> Thanks for the answers, and i confused a few terms.
> I meant to ask the difference between teleological, teleonomic and
> teleomatic. I confused these things with homeostatic, and homeoretic.
Perhaps you could define the meaning of "teleomatic" within this context?

> Maybe you need to know about the distictions he makes in lamarckian,
> teilhardian, bergsonian and darwinianevolutionary theories. But in that case
> must refer to his thesis, or you must be very interested, then i can
> try to summarize.
> Anyway, that was the reason for my question.

This is an interesting question in light of complexity theories.

To make sense out of these paragraphs, we do indeed need to know the
distinctions the author has created between the concepts described by
Lamarck, (de Chardin?), Bergson and Darwin.

Could you give your interpretation?

Jerry LR Chandler
"As simple as possible, but not simpler!"