Re: [Fwd: teleonomic, teric, etc]

Cliff Joslyn (joslyn@KONG.GSFC.NASA.GOV)
Wed, 7 Feb 1996 11:37:24 -0500

>Dear listmembers, a little system science question.
>In system science there is a distinction between teleologic,
>teleonomic and teleoretic. Can somebody give me a reference or strait
>explanation where it is clearly lined out what the difference is?

Never heard of "teleoretic". The classic article on teleonomy (as opposed
to teleology) is

Rosenbluth, Arturo and Wiener, Norbert: (1943) "Behavior, Purpose, and
Teleology", Philosophy of Science, v. 10, pp.18-24,
[ Original introduction of teleonomy, teleology, goal-seeking, and
intentionality in cybernetic terms. ]

| Cliff Joslyn, NRC Research Associate, Cybernetician at Large
| Mail Code 522.3, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
| 301-286-5773
V All the world is biscuit-shaped. . .