Re: Testing PRNCYB-L

(no name) ((no email))
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 17:23:00 -0400

Cyberneticistsarise youvenothingtolosebutyourwebsites!
If we wanted to make revolution cybersystemically, perhaps the
placetostart isby showingthelow systemic integrity ofthe
economic man minimizinglosses& maximising gains model.
Agiven biological individual ispart ofanumber of distributed
cultural/psychological autopoietic systems. Also A given biological
individual isa looseandoften conflicted coalition ofintra-body
autopoietic P-individuals. Ifabroadpublic couldachieve that
(Pask/strawson/Harre') second ordeer cybernetic understanding
wewouldhave a revolution,
If in addition ageneral ability to discriminate among
emergent levelsofcommunication/control/informationandto value
transactions according to whether theyaremerely instrumental, or
possibly perniciously viral, or beneficially symbiotically conjugative,
orliberativefrom pathological autopoiesis,
then wemight havea progessiveand beneficientrevolution,
ifsuchathing ispossible?
Gary Boyd.