Re: Testing PRNCYB-L

Tue, 3 Oct 1995 12:29:00 -0400

Don Mikulecky,MCV/VCU,
my views
Seems like I need to clarify my position here. You want to go political?
Fine....I was an ardent anti-war activist and civil rights fighter in the 60's.
I am a charter member of " Democratic Socialists of America". Please give us
equal time with any other effort you join in on. It's only fair. If you
don't, then you need to screen the membership for political agitation.
We (the Science for the People Contingent) made a big impact on the 1968
AAAS meeting in Boston. I was in the "Biology of Survival" subgroup
in the Biophysical Society and chaired it for some time....We brought in
speakers like Lewontin, for example. In each case (and in many others)
we were a recognized subgroup and never insisted that those who disagreed
with us or were indifferent be required to go along. The dialectic was always
primary. I find this present approach arrogant and undemocratic at best.
It is a threat to every democratic principle I know about. Cybernetics
in politics? Not a new idea....will go whether we impress the membership into
slavery or not. I don't oppose that. I do oppose having a perfectly good
discussion group taken over by demogogs.
Don Mikulecky