Re: Identification of systems (was Re: terms)

Thu, 14 Sep 1995 17:11:35 -0400

In a message dated 95-09-13 20:03:43 EDT, Cliff wrote:

>This was, in fact, my point: by pushing, as Gaines did, the boundaries of
>what we consider a system to the limit, we end up with the kinds of
>degenerate, vacuous cases like that above: just sets!
>Let's put it another way. Linguistically, a system is a set of entities
>which have entered into a relation. If that relation is the null relation,
>then it remains only a set, but is it still a system? To do anything
>INTERESTING or USEFUL in systems theory, we have to qualify the kinds of
>relations in SOME way.

Yes. Good clarification. We need more of this specificity in our ongoing
