Re: do cells need to "train"?

Sat, 2 Sep 1995 09:06:06 -0400

Don Mikulecky, MCV/VCU,
reply to Jeff Prideaux :
changeless change is a nice poetic term and we should probably leave it at that.
I think Onar has a nice way of loosening definitions in the spirit of trying
to get new ideas expressed interms of what we are coming from. The details
may not always be the essence of such thoughts. Cyles, steady states away from
equlibrium as a special case, are exaples of situations where flow through
is the key, yet the "state" of a system doesn't change in time. This is
distinctly different from Rosen, Kampis, Casti, and others who use
relational ideas which leave out time entirely.
Best wishes,
don mikulecky