Re: Cziko's book on universal selection theory now available

(no name) ((no email))
Fri, 18 Aug 1995 08:00:17 -0400

Along the same line but with many explicit references (if sometimes
rather belittling?condescending ones) to the Cybernetics movementASC,
Bateson, VonFoerster etc. is
Kevin Kelly' (1994) book noe out in
paperback from Addison Wesley at $16.00 U.S.
ISBN 0-201-48340-8
title" Out of Control; the new biology of machines, socialsystems,
and the economic world.
Its a good read but his laissez-faire crapitalist ideology sometimes
obtrudes excessively, and there seems to be no awareness of
"the Tragedy of the commons(Garrett Hardin)" that cybernetic aporias
of the invisible hand of the market thesis.
Gary Boyd