New book by Dutch sociocybernetician

Tue, 23 May 1995 11:25:13 GMT-0200

Loet Leydesdorff, The Challenge of Scientometrics: the development,
measurement, and self-organization of scientific communications
(Leiden: DSWO Press, Leiden University, 1995), 243 pages.

Crucial problems in qualitative and quantitative science studies,
such as the significance of a historical reconstruction and the
prediction of science indicators, are addressed by using a second-
order mathematical theory of communication as a single and
encompassing framework. The study provides elaborate applications of
probabilistic entropy measures to policy questions (e.g., the
emergence of a European R&D system), to problems of knowledge
representations, and to the study of the sciences in terms of
"self-organizing" paradigms of scientific communication.

Dfl. 49.50
ISBN 90-6695-112-5.
For direct ordering telefax DSWO Press: +31- 71- 273 619
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