Re: Values and emotions

Bruce Buchanan (buchanan@HOOKUP.NET)
Tue, 31 Jan 1995 17:54:26 -0500

Francis writes:

>There is a theory of emotions that sees emotions as corresponding to
>changes in goal-directed behavior... [much interesting material]

Thanks for the post on this subject, which gives me lots to think about!

A theory of emotions which seeks to understand these in relation to goals
and values is a useful conceptual approach, which I am beginning to see is
a subject much larger than I am every likly to know fully.

Another aspect or dimension, however, is the existential or
phenomenological context of life and emotion which is preconceptual, i.e.
provides the framework of the perceptual world into which we find ourselves
thrown, and within which we construct our theories. I think that a
nonspecific preconceptual or existential anxiety also has profound
implications for man's willingness or capacity to explore not just
conceptually but in action under uncertain conditions of real risk in the
interests of greater freedom - even as Merleau-Ponty and Tillich also
discuss. But maybe more of this in another place and/or time. I only
mention it here so as not to lose sight of the open framework within which
we cogitate about technological possibilities, where the discussion

Thanks again.

Bruce B.