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2 Some context-related properties a bridging model might need to include

2.5 different contexts can be selected depending on previous contexts (as well as other facts)

The order of previous contexts could affect the context assumed as the interpretation of any new facts is affected by the present context, including judgements of relevance. Such judgements of relevance may well affect the selection of a subsequent context.

For example, given a context of the 30's on might well think of the economic depression, if one was then given a further context of the U.S. one might think of the effects of the American depression, but if one was given the context of the U.S. first, one might fix on something different (say gangster movies) so that the subsequent information indicating the 30's might bring to mind prohibition.

A Simple-Minded Network Model with Context-like Objects - Bruce Edmonds - 13 FEB 97
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