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Example 2 - Extending the `El Farol Bar' Model

Description of the Original Model

I have extended Brian Arthur's El Farol Bar model [2] to include model-based learning and communication. In this problem a fixed population of agents has to decide whether to go to El Farol's each thursday night or stay at home. It is generally desirable to go (apparently they play Irish music on Thursday's at El Farol's), but not if it is too crowded. The bar is too crowded if more than 60% of the agents decide to go. Each week each agent has to predict if it will be crowded or not. If it predicts that it will be crowded then it does not go and if it predicts it will not be crowded then it does go. The problem is set up so that if most of the agents share the same model then this model will be self defeating, for if most predict that it will be crowded, they do not go and so it will not be crowded and vice versa.

Brian Arthur modelled this by dealing each agent a fixed number of models randomly allocated from a limited number of types, for example `the same as last week', `60 minus the number who went two weeks ago', `the average over the last 4 weeks', or `the number predicted by the trend over the last three weeks'. Then each week each agent evaluates all its models against the past record of how many went and find the best predictive model. It then uses this model to predict the number who will go this week and bases its decision on this. All the agents do this simultaneously and in parallel.

The resulting number who go each week seems to oscillate stochastically about the critical 60% mark, similar to the shape in that in figure 1, despite the fact that this model once initialised is strictly deterministic. Each agent's repetoire of models is fixed and only the current assessment of the models changes from week to week, so that at different times different models will be most successful. The only communication which takes place is the implicit message of the number who go each week.

Figure 1. Number of people going to El Farol's each week in a typical run (with 10 agents)

One of the interesting things in this model is that although each agent is dealt a different menu of models, and all decide to go or not in different combinations and at different times, at the level of whole model they are pretty indistinguishable in terms of their behaviour.

Modelling Socially Intelligent Agents - Bruce Edmonds - 17 DEC 97
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