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2. Mechanisms of academic knowledge distribution using the internet

2.6. Review Services associated with Public Archives

There are at least two peer-review services that are proposed or being set up in conjunction with public paper archives. The first is the American Physical Society's (APS) plan to review papers on the Ginsparg's physics pre-print archive. The idea is that the APS will organize the peer-review of papers on the arvchive that are submitted to them. The final version of accepted papers will then be put on to the archive along with a APS certificate. The second is a proposal by Chistopher Bauma and Thomas Krichel as part of their application for funding of their Economics Distributed Electronic Library (EDEL) project [2], which is designed to strengthen and extend the RePIC service [15].

Both of these aim to add a qulaity mark to the papers on the public archive and, in this way, to allow readers to make a basic judgement as to whether papers are worthwhile reading. However, the process is almost as costly as that associated with web-journals and only provides limited judgemental information on the papers reviewed (essentially a single bit). For this reason it does not provide readers with the ability to tailor their own criteria for papers in a flexible manner.

A Proposal for the Establishment of Review Boards - Bruce Edmonds - 16 MAR 99
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