CFP: Semiotics of Autonomous Information Systems

Cliff Joslyn (joslyn@C3SERVE.C3.LANL.GOV)
Sun, 18 Jan 1998 21:54:46 -0700

Call for Papers for the special session on

Semiotics of Autonomous Information Systems

for the

1998 Conference on Intelligent Systems and Semiotics (ISAS 98)

September 14-17, 1998
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland U.S.A.

Session Chairs:
Cliff Joslyn and Luis Rocha
Los Alamos National Laboratory




A crucial aspect of the modern Information Sciences, from robotics to
self-organizing databases, is the manner and extent to which information
systems can be said to be "autonomous". Of course, there are many different
sense of autonomy, from mere physical separation to the establishment of
complex functional relations sufficient to allow the identification of the
systems as "independent actors". But in any event, some sense of closure of
the system's activities, or identification of closed loops of information
processing, is required. These closures can also take many forms, including
physical boundaries, dynamic self-organization like autocatalytic chemical
cycles, and informational "boundaries" as in elementary sensor-affector
functioning loops.

For many classes of information systems, closures are of a semiotic nature,
where there is now a closure of meaning through interaction with the
environment. Here issues arise concerning the use and interpretation of
symbols ("symbol grounding"), representations, and/or internal models
(whether explicit or implicit) by the system; and the syntactic, semantic,
and pragmatic relations among the sign tokens, their interpretations, and
their use or function for the systems in question. This is the case, for
example, with biological systems, whose autonomy is enabled by their own
genetic information as used in the context of their environments; and with
control systems, where autonomy is enabled by the information in their
engineered construction and use by human operators.

The aim of this session is to collect scientific, conceptual, and
engineering advances about the important open questions concerning the
relations, if any, between autonomy and semiotics in information systems.
ISAS 98 overall is the premier conference for technical or applied semiotic
research in information systems.

Examples of potential domains of focus include in:

Robotics and Control Systems: where physical autonomy is more or less
assumed, but where issues of semantic grounding are paramount; what is the
required degree of autonomy? how can we evaluate the degree of autonomy? how
can we measure it?

Intelligent Systems: is the property of autonomy granted to the system by
the designer? or it can somehow emerge no matter what the designed had on
his (her) mind?

Agent-Based Technology: where functional forms of autonomy are intended, but
again crucial semiotic questions remain, for example if agents built with
more self-organizing, bottom-up, architectures (e.g. situated robots)
represent their environments?

Artificial Life: which has struggled to develop meaningful senses of
autonomy in relation to semiotic categories; and finally in

Web-Based Information Systems and Virtual Environments: where we hope to
imbue our information systems with significant forms of autonomy and
emergent semantics.

In each of these cases, there are significant open questions concerning the
sense of autonomy which is meant, or might be achievable; and whether there
may or must be consideration of the semiotic properties of these systems,
including the nature of symbol generation, manipulation, and interpretation.

Topics of Interest:

Systems which address issues in semiotics and autonomy:

* Agent-Based Systems
* Situated Robotics and Embodiment
* Distributed Intelligence Systems
* Artificial Life, Adaptive and Evolutionary Systems
* Web-Based (Internet) Systems and Data-Mining
* Distributed Control Systems
* Theoretical issues (the nature and degrees of autonomy; autonomy versus
planning; learning, adaptation, and autonomy; embodiment and

Important Dates:

* February 15, 1998 - Submit extended abstract (initial feedback provided
by session organizers)
* April 1, 1998 - Full Papers Due to session organizers
* May 8, 1998 - Notification of acceptance by conference organizers
* June 12, 1998 - Final Camera-Ready Due

Submission Details:

For initial consideration, please submit an extended abstract (more
than 250 words) electronically to and by
February 15, 1998. Submit hardcopies (if desired) to Cliff Joslyn,
Computer Research and Applications Group, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, MS B265, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. Clearly indicate who
will serve as the corresponding author and include the title, the name
of the author(s), affiliation, address, telephone number, fax, and
e-mail address. Session chairs will give initial feedback promptly.

Full Paper:
Submit your paper (including an abstract) to be received by April 1,
1998. Please indicate submission to the session on the Semiotics of
Autonomous Information Systems. Papers should be limited to 6 pages
including abstract, figures, and tables (two column format, 10pt Times
font, and 8.5 x 11 inch paper).

o Send four copies to the session organizers at the above address.

o Send one copy to the conference organizers at:
ISIC/CIRA/ISAS 98 Submissions
NIST, Intelligent Systems Division
Building 220, Room B124
Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA
Phone: 301-975-3418
Fax: 301-990-9688

o Notification of final acceptance, and the author's kit including
final instructions for camera-ready copy submission, will be
mailed by May 8, 1998.

Camera Ready Paper:
The full paper prepared in camera-ready form according to the
instructions in the author's kit must be received by the conference
organizers by June 12, 1998.

| Cliff Joslyn, Postdoctoral Associate (Cybernetician at Large)
| Computer Research Group (CIC-3), Los Alamos National Laboratory
| Mail Stop B265, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA
| (505) 667-9096
V All the world is biscuit-shaped. . .