The Pragmatic Roots of Context - Bruce Edmonds
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[8] Edmonds, B. (forthcoming). Capturing Social Embeddedness: a Constructivist Approach. Adaptive Behaviour.
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[10] Hayes, P. (1995). Contexts in Context. Context in Knowledge Representation and Natural Language, AAAI Fall Symposium, November 1997, MIT, Cambridge.
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[13] Moss, S., Gaylard, H., Wallis, S. and Edmonds, B. (1998). SDML: A Multi-Agent Language for Organizational Modelling. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 4, 43-69.
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[19] Wheeler, M. and Clark, A. (forthcoming). Genic Representation: Reconciling Content and Causal Complexity. British journal for the Philosophy of Science.
[20] Widmer, G. (1997). Tracking Context Changes through Meta-Learning. Machine Learning, 27:259-286.
[21] Zadrozny, W. (1997). A Pragmatic Approach to Context. Context in Knowledge Representation and Natural Language, AAAI Fall Symposium, November 1997, MIT, Cambridge.
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