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Modelling Bounded Rationality In Agent-Based Simulations using the Evolution of Mental Models
5 Applications
Two example models are presented which use the techniques described above. Both are designed as investigations into possible processes between and within agents. The first example, where an agent is trying to learn a function (its own utility function) where that function may change (in form as well as parameterisation), is an attempt to capture the characteristic `path-dependent' learning noticed in humans. The second attempts to capture some aspects of emergent sociality amongst co-evolving agents.
- 5.1 - Implementation of the Models
- 5.2 - Example 1- utility learning agent facing structural change
- 5.3 - Example 2 - Communication, Learning and the El Farol Bar Problem
Modelling Bounded Rationality In Agent-Based Simulations using the Evolution of Mental Models - 17 MAR 98
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