4.1 The Extended `El Farol Bar' Model
An example strategy that an agent learned is shown in figure 4. This would cause the agent to say "[IPredictedLastWeek]" if the attendance predicted by the trend in attendances over the last 2 weeks was greater than 8/3 and false otherwise, but it would only actually go if either it said it would or if barGoer-3 said it would.
Figure 4. An example model
A second example (figure 5) shows the operation of a memetic process. In this example the agent says whatever the expression last uttered by barGoer-5 evaluates to, but goes if it went last time and a random coin-flip turns up heads. In this case this agent would propagate what ever barGoer-5 said.
Figure 5. A second example model
A full indication of the sort of building-blocks that the agents can use to make these models is illustrated in figure 11.
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On Modelling in Memetics - Bruce Edmonds - 18 AUG 98
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