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Modelling Bounded Rationality using Evolutionary Techniques - Bruce Edmonds

6 Possible integration with Logic-based Agent Architectures

The structure of the agent described above and the GP style of chromosome allow for some integrations of the evolutionary learning mechanism and agents based on logic based inference mechanisms (e.g. the BDI framework of). This can occur when the chromosomes representing the internal mental models of the agent represent logical expressions. Given this there are two main possibilities:

  1. The population of genes can be constrained to those that are logically consistent with a set of a priori knowledge expressed as logical expressions within some formal logical framework;

  2. The inference of possible actions could be done by using a logical framework to infer the best action from its best model and its goals;

It would not be appropriate to constrain the population of internal models so that they were consistent with each other or consistent with its goals as these represent the competing partial beliefs of the agent about its world.

Modelling Bounded Rationality using Evolutionary Techniques - Bruce Edmonds - 09 JUN 97
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