7 Complexity and biological evolution
Perhaps it is in the nature of the identity of such entities that it must do so. If such an entity did not filter out (much) complexity from its environment, then it becomes more difficult to separate it from that environment. This raises the possibility that we only recognise entities that do perform such a filtration, and so the observation is a tautology.
One often sees arguments of the type "entities evolve to the edge of chaos, since in the chaotic region it would be overwhelmed with change and in the frozen region it would not be able to sufficiently adapt". This can be roughly translated as the complexity of an entity's pattern of adaption can not be either too simple nor too complex. This sort of argument should be used with great care; it may well be that in one language of representation, an entity seems to be overwhelmed by change so that it is no longer recognisable, while still having sufficient continuity to be recognised as a specific individual in another. Again, the relativisation of complexity to a particular language is very important.
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