SubIndex on SIMPLICITY (BibTex)
Click on the desired item or article for more information.- van der Bosch,APM; 1997, Simplicity and Prediction, Available electronically at
- Murphy,PM; Pazzani,MJ; 1994, Exploring the Decision Forest: an empirical investigation of Occam's razor in decision tree induction, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 1, 257-275
- Conklin,D; Witten,IH; 1994, Complexity-Based Induction, Machine Learning, 16, 203
- Lupton,P; 1994, Simplicity and Misrepresentation, in the IPPE Preprint Archive
- Crutchfield,JP; 1993, Observing Complexity and The Complexity of Observation, in Inside versus Outside, Eds.Atmanspacher,H; , Springer, Berlin, pages 235-272
- Li,M; Vitanyi,PMB; 1992, Philosophical Issues in Kolmogorov Complexity, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 623, 1-15
- Crutchfield,JP; 1992, Knowledge and Meaning ... Chaos and Complexity, in Modeling Complex Phenomena, Eds.Lam,L; Naroditsky,V; , Springer, Berlin, pages 66-101
- Turney,P; 1990, Problems with Complexity in Gold's Paradigm of Induction-Part I: Dynamic Complexity, International Journal of General Systems, 17, 329-342
- Turney,P; 1990, Problems with Complexity in Gold's Paradigm of Induction--Part II: Static Complexity, International Journal of General Systems, 17, 343-358
- Turney,P; 1989, The Architecture of Complexity: A new blueprint, Synthese, 79, 515-542
- Cover,TM; 1983, Kolmogorov Complexity, Data Compression, and Inference, in The Impact of Data Processing Techniques on Communications, Eds.Durand,H; di Lullo,M; Sinclair,C; , Nijhoff, Dordrecht, pages 23-33
- Solomonoff,RJ; 1978, Complexity-based induction systems: comparisons and convergence theorems, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 24, 422-432
- Pearl,J; 1978, On the Connection Between the Complexity and Credibility of Inferred Models, International Journal of General Systems, 4, 255-264
- Sahal,D; 1976, Elements of an Emerging theory of Complexity Per Se, Cybernetica, 19, 5-38
- Nelson,RJ; 1976, Structure of Complex Systems, Philosophy of Science Association, 2, 523-542
- Sober,E; 1975, Simplicity, Clarendon Press, Oxford
- Blum,L; Blum,M; 1975, Toward a Mathematical Theory of Inductive Inference, Information and Control, 35, 125-155
- Popper,KR; 1968, Logic of Scientific Discovery, Hutchinson, London
- Goodman; 1966, The Structure of Appearence, Bobbs-Merrill, Indiapolis
- Solomonoff,RJ; 1964, A Formal theory of Inductive Inference, Information and Control, 7, 1-22,224-54
- Hayek,FA; 1964, The Theory of Complex Phenomena, in The Critical Approach to Science and Philosophy, Eds.Bunge,M; , Collier McMillan, London, pages 332-349
- Bunge,M; 1963, The Myth of Simplicity, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs
- Bunge,M; 1961, The Weight of Simplicity in the Construction and Assaying of Scientific Theories, Philosophy of Science, 28, 120-149
- Ackermann,R; 1961, Inductive Simplicity, Philosophy of Science, 2, 152-160
- Quine,WVO; 1960, Simple Theories of a Complex World, in The Ways of Paradox, Eds., Random House, New York, pages 242-246
- Kemeny,JG; 1955, Two Measures of Complexity, The Journal of Philosophy, 52, 722-733
- Kemeny,JG; 1953, The Use of Simplicity in Induction, The Philosophical Review, 62, 391-408
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Bruce Edmonds, Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester Metropolitan University