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From Complexity to Agent Modelling and Back Again - Bruce Edmonds


[1] Arthur, B. et al. (1996). Asset pricing under endogenous expectations in an artificial stock market. University of Wisconsin-Madison SSRI report 9625, 1180 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA.

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[9] Edmonds, B. (1997).Complexity and Scientific Modelling. CPM Report 97-23, MMU, 1997. (http://cfpm.org/cpm/cpmrep23.html)

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[16] Moss, S., Edmonds, B and Gaylard, H. (1996). Modelling R&D Strategy as a Network Search Problem. Workshop on the Multiple Linkages between Technological Change, Human Capital and the Economy, University `Tor Vergata' of Rome, March 1996. ()

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From Complexity to Agent Modelling and Back Again - Bruce Edmonds - 15 MAY 97
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